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Montag, Juli 19, 2004


Wenn Medien zu Propagandahelfern werden.
Documentary filmmaker Robert Greenwald's new film Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, which interviews former FOX employees to provide "an in-depth look at Fox News [Channel] and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know," premiered at the New School University in New York on July 13. The FOX News Channel markets itself as "fair and balanced," promising that "We report. You decide."
In the memos, some of which appear in Outfoxed, Moody instructs employees on the approach to take on particular stories. His instructions reflect a clear interest in furthering a conservative agenda and in supporting the Bush administration. The Post quoted Larry Johnson, identified by the paper as "a former part-time Fox commentator who appears in the film," describing the Moody memos as "talking points instructing us what the themes are supposed to be, and God help you if you stray."

Mehr, vor allem ein paar der "interessantesten" und aussagekräftigsten dieser Memos, die die Tendenz der Berichterstattung vorgeben, gibt es bei mediamatters.org.

von Hellblazer 11:44 | Einzelansicht & Kommentare (0)


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